Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

SAP HR unit 3


1. Jelaskan personnel administration
Metode pemeliharaan entri data dan bagaimana sejarah dibuat dalam sistem manusia SAP Human Resources. Selain untuk menjaga data karyawan saat ini, karyawan baru yang direkrut dan dimasukkan ke dalam sistem.
2. Jelaskan tiga cara maintaining personnel administration
- Single screen, satu infotypes yang digunakan untuk satu orang atau personnel number.
- Personnel action, beberapa infotypes yang hanya digunakan oleh sati orang saja atau satu personnel number.
- fast Entry, satu infotypes yang dapat digunakan oleh beberapa orang atau personnel number.
3. Jelaskan Management of Global Employment Model
solusi yang komprehensif yang membantu perusahaan global merampingkan pengusiran mereka dan proses repatriasi dari A sampai Z sesuai dengan kebutuhan khusus mereka - dari perencanaan dan penyusunan tugas global, dengan tugas global yang sendiri dan repatriasi - dan melacak karyawan global di seluruh dunia setiap saat
5.      Jelaskan Initial Entry Screen for Infotype Maintenance
In the SAP ERP HCM system, infotypes that are most frequently used are grouped together by subject matter and assigned to static menus. One infotype can be included in more than one menu. Infotypes that are rarely used may not be included in any menus at all.
6.      Jelaskan search help
The search help function in the work area enables you to select personnel numbers according to certain criteria such as last name, first name, birt date, organizational assignment, and so on.
7.      Jelaskan Initial Entry Screen for Infotype Maintenance
In the SAP ERP HCM system, infotypes that are most frequently used are grouped together by subject matter and assigned to static menus. One infotype can be included in more than one menu. Infotypes that are rarely used may not be included in any menus at all.
8.      Jelaskan Infotypes
Data fields are groups into data groups or information units according to their content. In Human Resources, these information units are called information types or infotypes for short.
9.      Jelaskan sub infotypes
Infosubtypes, or subtypes for short, subdivide an infotype’s data records. You may want to subdivide such information to make it easier to manage or because you want to assign different control features (such as time constraints) to the various subtypes of an infotypes.
10.  Selection Using Infotype Number
Each infotypes has a numerical key in addition to a name key
11.  Initial Entry Screen for Infotypes Maintenance
In the SAP ERP HCM system, infotypes that are most frequently used are grouped together by subject matter and assigned to static menus. One infotype can be included in more than one menu. Infotypes that are rarely used may not be included in any menus at all.
12.  Jelaskan Time Constraint in HR
- Time Constraints 1 : this is mandatory information that must be uniquely available at all yimes.
- Time Constraints 2 : this is optional information that, if available, must be unique.
- Time Constraints 3 : this is optional information that, if available, can exist more than once.
13.  Jelaskan Maintaining Infotypes
Infotypes Maintenance means processing data already in the system, and entering and saving new data.
14. generating histories :
Jawab:  if you create  a new record when a previous record already exists, the system reacts in one of the following ways; it delimits,extends, divides, or deletes the record. infotypes or subtypes with time constraint i must be unique, meaning that only one valid record can exist for any given period.
15. Jelaskan fast entry
Jawab : fast entry enable you to maintain an infotype for more than one personel number a single. This makes data processing faster and more afficient. 
16. Berikan dua contoh kasus fast entry
Jawab : 
Fast entry example 1 : fast entry enable you to enter intotype ( for example, additional payments). The list screen enable you to enter all data freely. Thus is very way of entering data. 
Fast entry example 2 : fast entry datausing fast entry, you can, for instance, make use of aperson selection report.
17. Jelaskan personnel action
Jawab : sequence of info types to map a personal prosess
18. Jelaskan hiring action
Jawab : you must enter a range of employee data into the system when you are hiring an employee. You perform this personel activity usingthe hiring personel action.
19.  Entry Screens for Hiring
Jawab : data is generaly recorded for the above mentionedinfo types during the hiring action. These infotypes, as well as the order in which they appear, can be customized to suit your company’s requirement. 
20. Initial Screen
Jawab : to hire an employee, select the entry screen for personnel actions. Enter the employee’s entry date. Whit internal number assigment, the system display the next free number.
21. Actions
Jawab : This infotypes logh the personel action in this infotypes, yuo can also specify a reason for the action.
22.  Personal Data
Jawab : This include the employee’s name, nationality, birt date, and marital status. Depending on the country in which the employee is employed, the infotype uses different screens, which are in part country-specific.
23. Dynamic Actions
Jawab : Dynamic action are performed automatically by the system, depending on certain condition.
24. Organizational assignment
Jawab : the following field are already filled by the organizational assigment : company code, personel area,personel subarea, business area, employee group, and employee subgroup. You can enter mising data.
25. Addresses
Jawab : you can store an employee’s address infotype (0006). An employee’s address is often used together wjit the employee’s nsme from the personal data infotype (0002) in various employee lists, forms, or for address labels. 
26. Planned Working Time
Jawab : in the planed working time infotype (0007), specify the employee’s work schedule rule. This defined the employee’s daily, weekly, monthly, and annual working times. 
27. Basic Pay
Jawab : default values are specifield for pay scale type and pay scale area in the basic pay infotype (0008). In addition, you enter the pay scale group and possibly a pay scale level 
28. Bank Details
Jawab : in the bank details infotype (0009), you enter the employee’s bank key and account number. The system suggests the employee as the default value for payee.
29. Absence Quotas
Jawab : you store leave entitlements in the absense quotas infotype (2006). You also store thededuction from and deduction to dates here. You can use the default dates suggested by the system.
30.  Restrarting a Personnel Action
Jawab : you can restard an executed personel action at any time. Select the person action that you want to restart on the personel action screen. In the actions infotype (0000), choose execute infogroup.
31. Utillities in Master Data Maintenance
Jawab : in master data maintenance, the following option are available in utilities:
a. Deleted personel number
b. Change payroll status
c. Change entry/leaving date
d. Call employee
32. Additional actions
Jawab : if you need to run more than one personel action on the same day, you can use the additional action infotype ( 0302 )
33. Global employment and concurrent employment
Jawab : a global employee may hold more than one assigment outside of his/her home country for a global company. The assigment may be remunerated by different country of the global company at the same time or sequentialy.
34.  Management of global employment
Jawab : the management of global employees solution can be described through five main phases. New infotypes and tools assist in administration and tracking of the employee throught the phases. The phases are : 
a. planning of a global assigment 
b. preparation for relocation 
c. transfer 
d. during the assigment 
e. repatriation
35. Infotype yang diperlukan dalam management  of global employment 
Jawab : 
a. global assigment details ( 0710 )
b. global assigment status ( 0715 )
c. dependent information ( 0704 )
d. compensation package offer ( 0706 )
e. checlist information ( 0705 )

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