Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

Operasional Excellence Of Chevron "OE Is Me"

To meet these challenges, Chevron has spent more than 20 years expanding systems that support a culture of safety and environmental stewardship that strives to achieve world-class performance and prevent all incidents. We call this Operational Excellence (OE), and it drives everything we do. Our workforce truly believes that incidents are preventable, and we have policies, processes, tools and behavioral expectations in place to assist us in achieving that goal.

Operational Excellence is based on five objectives:
  • Achieve an incident- and injury-free workplace.
  • Promote a healthy workforce and mitigate significant workplace health risks.
  • Identify and mitigate environmental and process safety risks.
  • Operate with industry-leading asset integrity and reliability.
  • Efficiently use natural resources and assets.
Operational Excellence isn't achieved overnight. It takes constant, deliberate efforts to build and sustain a culture over time. Chevron has taken many actions toward achieving incident-free performance, and we're constantly striving to improve our OE efforts.

source : http://www.chevron.com/about/operationalexcellence/

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